The Artist ...Anything is possible in Stone

I have loved the outdoors from my childhood, to parenthood, to grandparenthood. I live in the beautiful Qualicum Beach area on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.  For  the past 30 years I have observed the unique colours, lighting, textures and shapes in nature through the changing of the seasons. I have been fortunate to be surrounded by many of nature's wonders; from the beaches of the ocean and lakes, to the rivers and rock formations, and plant life and forests, to the snow in the mountains.

In the fall of 2007 I started working with a variety of mixed tiles. I enjoyed working with the natural stone the most. While designing my own entrance I looked down at the leaves on the ground, which inspired me to create “AUTUMN BLANKET”. I had created my own organic rustic free flowing style.  After many positive comments and my love of design and cutting I have become anxious to share my many ideas.
I love working with clients, sparking their creative side and learning of their own interests in nature. With this combined vision, I will create a unique piece of art that will enhance your environment. 

See the Inspiration page for Marcia's Artistic Inspirations.

Marcia Wright 250-954-9295
Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, Canada